15 November 2011

Our not-so-annual-dinner

Ouh Assalamualaikum peeps.

Since its the last week of school term
we decided to have a makan makan together
just us, foods and movie
i didnt really (entirely) interested with the movie bcoz its so not ma type of muvie
but having these guys awwwhh such a great way to end the term!

 while preparing the food to EATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT . 

Venue: Kelas 4 Ibnu SIna
Date: 13 November 2011 / Sunday
Time: 8.30 pm

 zeera :)

Main: Nasi Goreng Pattaya Special Pacik Hairuddin (bapak umi chaierah), Kebab Versi Pacik Maskan (bapak Aten Zira)
Dessert: Chocolate Sponge Cake by Hasna, Batik Traditional Cake originals by Syera Is, Nadh's Kitchen Cocktail.
Drinks: Watermelon Juice, kot? haaha 

 atas tu zira. tudung putih ziha. kuning wani. hitam yang comel tu Hasna :)

 tudung hitam tu Hanis, my only bestfriend forever

 heehe. =..='

 Nadh's Kitchen Cocktail. 

 erk :P

 huaaaaaaa. inila Umi :) Shes one in a million. 

 operation XXX. bukak movie. haaha

 Umi n Wani. 

cube tengok muke aku. mcm haiwan peliharaan =..='

 keji sgt perangai 

 the main menu :D

aha ha

Movie time :D 

Sepanjang 4 tahun aku duduk kat sekolah ni, i think, 4 IS kelas yang paling akuuu sayyang
sebab diorang selalu ade bile aku ade problem. diorang yang pujuk aku bile aku menangis. 
Diorang yang banyak tegur aku kalau aku silap langkah. :')
Aku harap hubungan kita takkan putus walaupan tahun depan aku dah takde :)
thanx for all of the concern. n kenangan yang korang beri pada aku.
KORANG is the bestt !!!!!

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