02 November 2015

First Jailbreak experience - ambivalent, bittersweet

Hello again lovelies,
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what is up??? I just got back jeng jeng. from a getaway jeng jeng jengg. I went for a jailbreak!! *what do you mean jailbreak mya? you masuk penjara ka?
NO la im just an innocent little girl that the baddest thing i have done is forget to flush my toilet *insert emoji with a nimbus on top of head*

Jailbreak well it is a programme i joined, in the name of charity. In short it is a actually a charity hitchhiking where you have to hitchhike or travel as far as you could without using a single pence by requesting for free rides on public transport and other means of transport.

So how far have you gone Mya?
Not very far really how sad........well but it is good enough for a beginner *flip hijab and make kerek face better than Beyonce. 
Well i will tell about the last destination at the need of the post. tak aci lah kalau bagitau dulu.
So what was all the jailbreak about again?
As I say i joined it under a charity programme which is Breast Cancer Care, since its October ya know.

The whole thing was exciting, thrilling, tiring, mixed feelings of tiredness and eagerness with countless dramas and dissapointment. and if you are not sabar enough, you better not. no kidding 
We started the thing at about 2pm from our Student Union, and from there you can take any means of transportation to get you anywhere you want. Oh and forgot to mention! if you are clever enough, u can ask for sponsorship from various transportation companies in advance. i managed to email some of the flight companies, easyjet, ryannair, emirates and all but unfortunately neither of them are willing to spare some seats for us :(( oh well *note: dissapointment number 1

Calm you t*ts everyone please, that is so not what you think it is. or is it. dont pretend to be innocent hahahaha, yeah it is what you think it is and just imagine these pair of you-know-what-it-is wandering around the city asking for donations HAHAHHA, it couldnt be more disturbing

There were about 19 teams joining. Me and Rafie *we are a team, guess what was the name of our team? Volvox (try google it ha ha ha not funny, very much biologist mya)
We started off by taking a bus to Victoria Train Station because we have been told that there are free tix for those who arrive the earliest there but then we have to solve a riddle to be able to know which station that is initially. 

Well.................no we did not get the ticket *dissapointment number 2. some other team might have have it. so the alternative was to ask the officer if there are any leftover tickets to anywhere that they could sponsor.. yeah and no..................we did not get any too *dissapointment number 3
and so off we go to a bus station nearer and trying to woo an officer for any tickets, and there we go *dissapointment number 4, they said no :(  

It is kind of sad really, to know that some are just ignorant and to see that most of the sheer rejection come from women. well you see since breast cancer affect women the most, it is brought to the expectation that.. women will be more aware regarding this issue, thus would be more sympathetic in our case. but to reflect with my own experience joining this, the ONLY person who help us alot (either listening to our problems or giving away free rides) were all men and they were really kind. Kind of sad to say that some women, even made us feel totally as if we are some contemptuous beggars *my dirty mind also conclude that is it then true that men loves boobs more than women do. 

after about 5 hours stuck in the middle of the city, we decided to test our luck at the airport *who knew we might get the chance to fly anywhere. and so but sadly no company turns to us. I on the other hand, rasa give up sangat and was about to go home already dah, since my house is just about 20 mins from the airport, it was then that we heard an announcement from the train station beside the airport telling those who are joining the programme to grab a ticket from the counter to go to York. 
And soooooooo off we go to York!!!! yayayyyyyyyyyyyya

Our luck was galore on that time when we was being offered for seats to go to Newcastle!! *excited kata kau. As soon as we arrive there, it was late midnight and there is nowhere elso to go so we just wander around the city and rest ourselves in the COLD, WINDY, WET weather waiting for morning to come. the morning was usual and at the train station, again with lots of dramas, they got nothing to spare. we then decided to label org  Newcastle kedekut, York baik nak mampus. *evil laugh

Sadly we stuck in Newcastle with nothing to do. We went around several stations and airport and got nothing. There were alternatives tho, firstly buying ourselves bus tix to Edinburgh, in which we can try our luck to go to Edinburgh airport since the flight ticket there is much more cheaper. But then we were running out of time and we have like 5 hours till the jailbreak is over. The other option was to go to Newcastle dock and get ourselves a ferry ride perhaps to Amsterdam. But then again, we are running out of time and too tired to have another walk to the dock which is id say quite far. 

We then decided to go back home, sadly but willingly coz im just so tired, my feet aches and i literally smell like kambing since i havent shower for the whole day. But the stay at Newcastle, we spend most of the jailbreak time there, it was good enough. The city is so beautiful that it make me feel welcomed despite have to swallow the fact that i am stuck and nowhere to go. The city is like "bae, you dont have to look for no other, look at me, im good enough, stay with me bae"
yeah, literally. 

We then off back to Manchester, and sampai around 4am in the morning, it was actually never in our plan to go back that early. But oh well.. since we also never plan to be that penat and devastating. hu hu hu. But all in all, it was a lovely experience and sometimes to test our limit and boundaries and to see how far can we get ourselves into, it is such a great opportunity to challenge yourself sometimes, so that you could have a platform to upgrade yourself to a whole new level. Al though, ofcourse we were so dissapointed and HELL JEALOUS of some of the teams who managed to go further and be like how on earth do u guys get to pujuk people and get yourselves free flight tickets like it is the easiest thing to do ??

Ada yang sampai Istanbul tu tak boleh blah. I syak dia da beli siap siap kuang hasam.... But wtv............. nti next time kalau join lagi, i wanna buy ticket back to Malaysia and be like bitch please  broke the record ha hah. I think that is all to cerita, till next time for more of my crazy adventure hmmm. Oh ya!! should any of you feel kind enough to make a donation, please and please and pleasee visit my Just Giving page okay? Your donation will be transferred directly to Breast Cancer Care to those who are in need. Dont undeestimate your donation, every penny counts and might save lives out there! They need us :)

Till then lovelies,
Take care..